Amelia Pape

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Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network

Advisor to APRRN's Secretary General and Secretariat; facilitated team learning sessions and developed a written governance plan to support the network's efforts to advance the rights and inclusion of refugees and other people in need of protection in the Asia Pacific region.

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Advisor to leadership team; co-designed and facilitated team retreats and developed final recommendations to refine program and organizational strategies.

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Engineering for One Planet Network

Led the network catalyzation process: provided support including convening design and facilitation, interim coordination, synthesis and document development, network coordinator onboarding and training, network health assessment, and social network analysis training.

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Co-designed and facilitated team listening sessions and created a draft agenda for the organization's annual retreat.

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Greater Portland Sustainability Network

Co-designed and facilitated a custom workshop on network strategy and practice for leaders in Portland, Oregon working to advance climate justice through mutual learning and collaboration.

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International Trade Centre’s Alliances for Action

Co-designed and facilitated a process to develop A4A's theory of change, administered a network assessment protocol, and cultivated three pilot networks working toward ethical, climate-smart, sustainable agricultural value chains.

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Justice in Motion's Defender Network

Advisor and design partner to the network coordinator; co-designed a series of virtual and in-person network convenings for an international network of human rights lawyers and advocates working to protect migrant rights across borders.

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Orchid Health Collective

Co-designed and facilitated a series of network strategy retreats for leaders working to provide accessible, locally-informed, high-quality health services to rural communities in Oregon.

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Society Civic Science Initiative

Co-designed and facilitated a convening of this network of networks that connects diverse scientific societies for joint learning and action.

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SciComm Trainers Network

Supported the network formation process, synthesized participant input to develop the network's first charter, provided design and facilitation support at two convenings, and developed multiple written convening summaries.

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Small Foundation

Provided advisory support to select Small Foundation partners and initiatives including supporting Advancing Women in Investing to develop their theory of change, and supporting network leaders to administer a social network analysis.

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The Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS)

Co-designed a series of convenings, synthesized discussions, and drafted a report on the evolution of broader impacts in science.

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The International Brain Initiative

Co-designed and facilitated a strategy retreat for the IBI's leadership committee; wrote the final strategy report.

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Washington State Early Learning Coordination Plan (ELCP)

Co-led a cultivation process for state leaders working to catalyze a network of networks focused on early childhood education; co-designed and facilitated a series of network strategy workshops, developed written documents, and administered a social network analysis.