Carri Munn

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Center for Dialogue and Resolution

We supported network formation, cultivation, and launch convening for this community-based network focused on engaging people and aligning programs to move beyond hate and bias crimes to community safety. Initial lead Partner with Paula Manley and Jeanine Becker.

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Collaborative for Frontier Finance & Early Stage Capital Providers Network

This multi-year network cultivation process spanned design and facilitation of two network convenings, development of organizational and network theory of change, and team support for strategic direction, governance, and coordination. Lead partner with Elsa Henderson and later Jeanine Becker.

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Google Vitality Lab

We partnered to advise network cultivation, convening design, strategic direction, member engagement, and cross-lab collaboration. Together we navigated two leadership transitions and successfully held conversations that moved from good ideas to architecting collaborative action. Supporting Partner with Gabriel Grant.

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The ImPact

We partnered to support this traditional member association to adopt network principles and practices to amplify impact through collaboration. Key contributions include convening design, facilitating the Network Leadership Series for the team, and ongoing advising for collaborative initiatives and member engagement. Supporting Partner with Gabriel Grant.

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International Trade Centre’s Alliances for Action

This multi-faceted project introduced network concepts and co-created a theory of change for the program's network of networks approach to addressing the Sustainable Development Goals through trade. Our advising included organizational design for a coordination hub, launching a Coffee Network, supporting an internal learning network, and designing assessment tools to support evaluation of the network approach. Co-lead with Amelia Pape.

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Network Leadership Series (NLS)

As lead designer and project manager, I stewarded the training development process moving from initial concept to deliverable program with curriculum, learning objectives, visual identity, marketing, and evaluation. NLS was originally piloted as six modules and has been adapted to a core learning journey with three additional workshops. Content development partners: Nick Viele, Zach Anderson, and Kelly Jarvis with support from all of Converge.

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Partners Network

This brief project focused on building an internal network of networks among country offices of global civil society organizations dedicated to peace building. We supported definition of the network's value proposition and engagement strategy aiming to amplify internal learning and regional collaboration among partners in Latin America, Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and the US. Co-lead with Matthew Spence.

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Puerto Rico Impact Investment Network

From concept to launch through year one, we partnered each step of the way to catalyze a diverse network of investors, business leaders, philanthropies, and community organizations devoted to creating a sustainable, resilient and life affirming economy for all of Puerto Rico. Support included network cultivation, convening design and facilitation, and interim network coordination. Lead Partner with collaboration from Gibran Rivera, Yingzhao Liu, and Zach Anderson.

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Partnered with the Steering Committee to develop network priorities focused on knowledge sharing, dialogue, innovation, and network development. Advised on convening design, funding strategy, network structure and leadership transition.

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Small Foundation

Emergent outcomes of this extensive 4+ year partnership include the Network Leadership Series, Network Evaluation Toolkit, Converge's documentary, collaborative learning sessions, 10 published articles, a podcast, convening a practitioner network, and advising 10+ networks in the foundation's partner portfolio. Partner & Project Manager with Zach Anderson, Nick Viele, Elsa Henderson, and Kelly Jarvis.

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Undergradute Field Experiences Research Network (U-FERN)

We designed and facilitated a network development working group to refine network strategy, engagement, funding and governance. The project led to development of a network charter that clarified network focus areas, leadership, and coordination roles within the network. Supporting consultant with Nick Viele.

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Washington State Early Learning Coordination Plan (ELCP)

A first of its kind statewide network launched by a government agency, we supported a coordination team to cultivate a diverse network of leaders to coordinate implementation of Washington's Early Learning Plan. Partner with Amelia Pape, Kelly Jarvis, and Yingzhao Liu.