Nick Viele

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Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network

Served as an internal advisor to the main consulting team

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Collaborative for Frontier Finance & Early Stage Capital Providers Network

Designed, facilitated, participated, and advised on several internal meetings

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Co-designed and facilitated a process to bring a deeper network approach to their existing work

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Engineering for One Planet Network

Served as the lead designer and facilitator for the network catalyzation phase of the project

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Greater Portland Sustainability Network

Co-designed and facilitated the workshop, and served as an advisor to GPSEN leadership

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The International Brain Initiative

Co-designed and facilitated a series of strategy retreats for the IBI's leadership to strengthen their network approach

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Leaders in Science and Technology Engagement Networks (LISTEN)

Served as the lead designer and facilitator for the team catalyzing the network

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National Alliance for Broader Impacts

Co-designed and facilitated internal meetings and advised the leadership team

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Network Leadership Series (NLS)

Co-developed training curriculum, and co-designed and facilitated two cohorts of the training

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Orchid Health Collective

Co-designed and facilitated a workshop, and served as an advisor to the leadership team

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Puerto Rico Impact Investment Network

Served as an internal advisor to the project lead during the network catalyzation phase

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Santa Cruz Mountains Stewardship Network

Worked as one of five primary consultants catalyzing the network, and facilitated several internal network meetings post-catalyzation

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SciComm Trainers Network

Served as the lead designer and facilitator for the team catalyzing the network, and co-facilitated their first annual convening post-catalyzation

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Small Foundation

Designed and facilitated several convenings and trainings for Small Foundation over 6 years, and provided network advising to more than a dozen of Small Foundation's partners and grantees

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Sterling Network NYC

Worked as one of three primary consultants catalyzing the network, and then facilitated several internal meetings post-catalyzation

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The Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS)

Designed and facilitated several multi-day convenings for ARIS

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Undergradute Field Experiences Research Network (U-FERN)

Co-designed and facilitated a process to bring a deeper network approach to their existing work