Paula Manley

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Engineering for One Planet Network

Provided guidance on the search, selection, and onboarding for the network's first Network Coordinator.

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Global Leadership Academy - iLEAP

Developed 4-part Global Leadership Academy Network Leadership training series to teach young leaders the mindset and skillsets of network leadership.

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George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership

Co-designed and facilitated a daylong introduction to impact networks and network leadership for leaders in greater Washington D.C.

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Media Justice Network

Provided training and advising to the network's leadership team, including facilitating a process to clarify the network's vision, values, and operations in partnership with their host organization, Media Justice.

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Society Civic Science Initiative

Co-designed and facilitated a convening of this network of networks that connects diverse scientific societies for joint learning and action.

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SciComm Trainers Network

Facilitated the process of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding the network's first Network Coordinator.